Friday, June 30, 2006

This is why Old people should be retested!

I don't know HOW they did this but...

Wow! They are from Florida, so you see the conclusion I have come to. They parked the wrong way in a non-existant spot on the busiest street in the entire city!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Fiscally Irresponsible?

Well, seems the Governor (of Maine) was in my building moments ago. WMTW (News 8) is in the building, I assume he was there for an interview of some sort. But anyway... I see him in the Koffee Kapp, which means he was paying $2.50 for a Coffee that is really only about 60 cents (I only know this because of those "Save The Children" know, for the Price of a Cup Of Coffee you can feed Javier in Peru)

So if he spends his money that foolishly, I can only assume he wastes all of our money too.