Monday, August 30, 2004

Hope For The Future

Flipping through the channels there is always some Star Wars or Star Trek show or movie on.

And the more I've seen the more those movies give me great hope for the future. Now I am not talking about how all these different races of people and even different types of life forms seem to work together in a peaceful synergy. I'm talking about this.

No matter what alien race or ethnicity a crewmember is or what dark quadrant of the galaxy the enterprise ventures to... Everybody speaks fucking English!

Sunday, August 29, 2004


So the other day, Peg is cleaning out some of my stuff (women seem to like to throw things out, I don't quite understand it). And so she asks me to play Dungeons and Dragons.

I'm thinking, great, I have to explain this whole game we played when we were younger..... as I'm going along about dexterity and AC and what not, she says "but what do the cards do".

Now, any real nerd knows that you don't play any proper RPG with cards. Turns out, she dug up some Magic: The Gathering cards I have. I used to play with my friends Brian and Neil. I figure it's good to keep them around... never know when we will be in Brian's basement hanging out and bored again.

Bass Volume

So I own a convertible. It's great; I recommend one to everyone. Two if you can afford it.

However, one bad thing about convertibles is stereos never sound that good in them (but hey, 65mph wind makes up for a lot). This is especially true when you've blown your bass speaker.

So yesterday, I went with David to talk to someone about getting a new sub box for my car. They were talking about all sorts of things related to my speakers that I have no idea about.... I think they were drooling. David wanted to add some neon.

My qualifier is that it'll fit into the space where the blown speaker is now, and David's is that the stereo is stupidly loud.

I'm not sure I'll win this one.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


So, my wonderful wife thinks that I'm horrible to shop for. Peg says this because I have virtually no hobbies. And by that I guess she means that there is little that I am passionate about, outside of work (I'm a work-a-holic).

So, my mother and Peg have gotten together to tell me that I have to select a hobby so that they have an easier time buying me gifts.

They have suggested Golf, because of the wide array of items you can purchase for a golf fan. So of course, I've been watching golf, and looking up golf accessories for my car. Oddly enough, Chuck was on the Golf team, so I think it'd be easy to team up with him and golf and rant about things.

Give me your thoughts; I need them before my next birthday August 20, 2005.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

The Bible In The Hotel Room

You know, after staying in a hotel for a long period of time, you need entertainment. One day while in a hotel room, I saw the housekeeper, a large latino woman coming down towards my room to clean. I spoke with her and several other staffers in previous days and could tell she was an immigrant and she seemed fairly religious. Thats when it hit me.

When she approached my room I took the Gideon's bible and tossed it in the garbage...then sat at the desk on my computer like everything was just normal and she was not interupting anything important. She cleaned the room around me, until she had to empty the waste bin.

"A dios mio"....she crosses herself..."Why you do this, why you throw out the bible?"

With a stern look I tell her...

"Its bad enough I've run off to this hotel with my 19 year old girlfriend to cheat on my wife, but do I have to be reminded that I'm sinning, to be made to feel guilty when I open the drawer to put my condoms away!"

At the time I actually did have a 19 year old girlfriend, but I've never been married and I've never cheated on don't get any ideas.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

The 80's Rule

A few people have asked what this is. Its my one one rule to dating and it comes in four parts.

1) I won't date a woman born in the 80's (or after)

2) I won't date a woman in her 80's.

3) I won't date a woman with an IQ in the 80's.

4) I won't date a woman who can fit 80 into her weight more than once! (Lbs not Kg)

Incidentally I was born in 75 and weigh 55Kg.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I liked how that "conversation" looked so much; I wanted to do another one. You all get to suffer. This is from when we were preparing for my wedding.

Andrew: hey man
Chuck: AOL Yellow pages sucks
Andrew: yes they do :-)
Chuck: I put in Dante's tuxedos... and called and got Dante's Deli
Andrew: hehe. well, they can tell you how large your meat is i guess

There's 10 seconds you'll never get back.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Chuck's Pics

These are two of my best friends, Stan and Andria.

This is Downy my Holland Lop. She goes by the aliases "Destructo-bunny" and "4 pounds of terror." Look at her devour almanacs.

This is me in my old studio with my Strat.

This adorable 2 year old is Olivia...wearing my size 12's.

I took this pic 10/03 in Boston. I just thought it captured the city. The girl feeding the pigeons in the placid common, juxtaposed with the bustle on the city's streets. The Old Church sandwhiched between two modern high rise.

This is the Squirrel that stalks Downy. He lives in the tree across from my balcony and sits and watches. I sware he waits till I leave the house and she lets him in the house.

Sunday, August 01, 2004


We're Chuck and Andrew, and we had a real problem.

Each of our lives are full of about half interesting things that we could share. The rest is just dull, illegal, or just cheap cheap shots at Gafah. Plus, thanks to ADD and the lack of corrective drugs in our lives, we each have less of an attention span than you if you've read this far.

How would we solve this problem? Put one page together to entertain you and to share our work with you!

Viola! This page contains ramblings about our friends and lives, photos, and at some point some stories and links and what not.

They are all our own work or links to all sorts of crap, and are our property (muhahahha).

You might ask yourself Why is CJ and AJ referenced sometimes, even though we always refer to each other as "Andrew" and "Chuck"? You might not ask yourself this, but I'm going to answer it anyway, so there.

Well, we're Chuck - CJ (Charles Justin if you are anal retentive) and Andrew - AJ (Andrew James). It also helps that Chuck uses "CJ" in his job in radio. Andrew just goes by Andrew, but if Chuck abbreviates, we're both going to, damnit.

Read more about us on our "feed our egos" page.

Feed our Egos

We’ve known each other since 6th grade or so, when we had Mr. Lambert. We were both extremely bored in school, and hey, that sort of thing brings people together.

Plus, Andrew had the original concept for the air car, and Chuck came from Staten Island bringing with him all the curse words. And I think that sticks in someone’s mind.

We lost touch after high school, when Chuck studied Communications at Trenton State College and Andrew stayed home and studied Architecture. Oddly enough, a girl Andrew dated was in class with Chuck and for some reason, had a deep resentment for him.

We both make that kind of impression – either you like us, or you hate us.


Where to begin! I was born in Brooklyn, New York on Tuesday September 23, 1975, which is one of the coolest days of the year.

Not just because it’s my birthday, but because its the first day of fall, the first day of Libra (The cardinal air sign), and its also Bruce Springsteen's, John Coltranes's, Ray Charles' and Julio Iglesias' birthdays!

Yep, that’s just a sample of the music that flows through people born on September 23rd. And then there are also some other cool birthdays too, like Mickey Rooney, although I am considerably taller. Also, Octavius Caesar was born on September 23... Well, I love to write...everything from prose and essays (which are usually very opinionated, I am a bit bombastic) and to poetry and songs. Let’s just say I have a unique way of looking at things...its cuz I am a Deconstructionist.

I love music! Music is my life, I play guitar and have always loved listening to a lot of different genres of music. I love music so much, I worked in radio for 10 years, and let me just say, you don’t work in radio for the money (or the respect)!

I'm also pretty into Astrology. I got into it by trying to disprove it, ironically enough. I thought that it was a farce, but figured I had to be objective, so I bought a book or two and then tried some of it out, and I was blown away.

I also enjoy reading, but usually don't waste my time on pop culture drek. I am proud to admit I have never read a John Grisham book... I prefer Theodore Geisel, Dr. Suess, who actually died the day after my 16th Birthday. Bummer.I like reading non-fiction and short stories especially. And I have always liked F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Winter Dreams." I really identified with the story and later found out that astrologically speaking I am very similar to Fitzgerald.

I went to TCNJ, Formerly Trenton State College, if you are considering going there, let me offer this advice...GO TO RUTGERS!!!! Trenton Sucks!