Sunday, August 22, 2004

The Bible In The Hotel Room

You know, after staying in a hotel for a long period of time, you need entertainment. One day while in a hotel room, I saw the housekeeper, a large latino woman coming down towards my room to clean. I spoke with her and several other staffers in previous days and could tell she was an immigrant and she seemed fairly religious. Thats when it hit me.

When she approached my room I took the Gideon's bible and tossed it in the garbage...then sat at the desk on my computer like everything was just normal and she was not interupting anything important. She cleaned the room around me, until she had to empty the waste bin.

"A dios mio"....she crosses herself..."Why you do this, why you throw out the bible?"

With a stern look I tell her...

"Its bad enough I've run off to this hotel with my 19 year old girlfriend to cheat on my wife, but do I have to be reminded that I'm sinning, to be made to feel guilty when I open the drawer to put my condoms away!"

At the time I actually did have a 19 year old girlfriend, but I've never been married and I've never cheated on don't get any ideas.


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