Sunday, May 15, 2005

John Rocker - Pro Sports Fines

Remember a few years ago when there was a controversy in sports because of an outspoken pitcher from Atlanta? He was in NY to play againts the Mets and said:

"Imagine having to take the Number 7 train to the ballpark nexy to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of prison for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing."

Since then he has gotten himself in more trouble with more dumb remarks. He's been fined by the leagues he's played in, he's been ridiculed in the press and now a USA today writer says he should cal it quits.

HOW UNIMAGINITVE! Turn those remarks into something for the greater good!

Personally, I think we need to revamp the fines assessed by professional sports especially basebal. Major League Baseball has enjoyed a monopoly since 1914 when congess granted them an antitrust exemption. Since they are given this protection, any players fined for drug use, or saying stupid things like John Rocker, should fork that money over to do good things for America like bail out social security!

MLB doesn't really need the money, and the players certainly don't. Then, let John Rocker say whatever the hell he wants...the things he says are funny because of how ridiculous they are, and I may not need a private retirement account after all!



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