Thursday, June 02, 2005

This is a tragedy?

Ok, so this is from CNN's site:

"A landslide sent 18 multimillion-dollar houses crashing down a hill in Southern California early Wednesday. Homeowners alarmed by the sound of walls and pipes coming apart ran for their lives in their nightclothes. At least four people suffered minor injuries."

The news keeps painting this as a major story and a tragedy. I'm supposed to have sympathy for a bunch of rich assholes that can buy and sell me 100 times over, who were probably told by engineers at the time of construction things like "This is an earthquake prone area you know...your house is going to slide down the hill one day" and "These areas are prone to mudslides and your house will eventually slide down the hill." Or maybe even "Sure its a nice view from up here, but when your house slides down the hill and you're looking up the only think you'll see is dirt and your old foundation."

To which the rich assholes probably said "I have insurance," or "mother nature would not dare fuck with me, I'm Mike Ovitz."

The cause of the slides? Most likely due to the huge amounts of rain that they got this winter.

No one died, and something tells me these people probably have other houses too. People just have to learn that in the battle of Man Vs. Nature, Nature will always win.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, you are an ass.


12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO I don't think you're an ass at all Chuck....that's friggin funny. ;o)


8:44 PM  

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