This week, a lot of shocking things happened!
Start out with the revelation that

The BTK Killer is none other than

James Lipton from "Inside the actors studio.
Ahhh BTK is a butchered acronym for "Bravo Television networK" A clever fiend indeed. Apparently Mr. Lipton would take uncooperative actors and actresses, Bind them up and ask them "What is your favorite cuss word?"
Also this week, Vladimir Putin the president of Russia 
accepted a "GIFT" from New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft. Apparently Vladimir said "Mr. Kraft, that Tom Brady is some quarterback, it would be a shame if something
unfortunate happened to him.
In Belgium a politician showed true leadership, by standing up for what he believes in. Only if we had people of such principle stateside. Instead in Maine they debate about things like changing the timezone to Atlantic Time. I'd show up an hour late to that meeting.
In my personal life I have decided to compound the mistake I made in October. Well really its my way of covering up the mistake, make it look deliberate like when you walk down the street, stumble and the break into a jog or skipping. So I put an offer on a Condo and they accepted it, now I just have to go through the motions and become a Mainer officially.
AND THE WORST THING OF ALL to happen. Sandra Day O'Connor announced her decision to resign. This gives President Bush the first nomination to the Supreme Court in 11 years. Crap, I hope the Justice he appoints can pronounce NUCLEAR.