Friday, July 29, 2005

A Tale Of Two Cities

So, in South Jersey there is a slum called Camden. In Maine there is a BEAUTIFUL town called Camden. They are quite different. Camden Maine's Rotary club has a program called "Camden To Camden."

The Camden Rotary Club's Camden to Camden project hosts 30 to 35, children from Camden, N.J. for 10 days of summer activities in Camden, Maine.

Camden, Maine is gorgeous, on the coast, a lovely harbor lined with shops...truly breathtaking.

Camden, NJ is the most dangerous city in the USA.

So let me get this straight. The Rotary imports kids from the most dangerous city in the country and brings them to a quiet, affluent town in Maine where nobody locks their doors. Thats fucking brilliant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for letting me know they don't lock their doors in Camden, Maine. I will have to visit right away!

9:55 PM  

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