Saturday, March 11, 2006

Myspace Revenge :)

Please help me stick it to an annoying band on My Space. Here is what transpired. (Order altered from e-mail thread for continuity)

Date: Mar 10, 2006 3:13 PM

What's up,
We're the band OK STRANGER from los angeles and we thought that you might be interested in our music. we're getting ready to release our debut album this spring and have many tours planned throuout the summer. get back to us and let us know what you think. This is just a personal account I have, so just email me at the band account. Just go to our band page and hear the music by clicking on the pic below! You can click the TOP add friends button below and if you want to email us make sure you send it to the official OK STRANGER myspace page and not this email cause we cant get back to these emails here as quickly.
trickie stranger
ok stranger

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Chuck
Date: Mar 10, 2006 12:23 PM

I deliberatley blocked band requests so I wouldn't get messages like this. DO you know how RUDE this is, that you would attempt to contact me find I blocked bands and then decide to send me a message anyway?

Date: Mar 11, 2006 7:29 PM

Oh you poor fucking thing. Sorry to take 2 seconds out of your day. You look like a very important fuckhole. Maybe if you get a message like this, either ignore or delete it. This is the best way for us to get or music to the people. Most people like it. The world would be a better place if dipshits like you would just jump of a fucking building.


I sent you a polite letter to say that I thought it was rude that you spammed me. To respond so vehemently was uncalled for.

Actually FUCKTARD, if you would have taken 5 seconds to look at my page you'd realize that I am slightly important. I'd send you a resume if you'd like to see how I have spent the last 12 years of my career working in the music industry, in Journalism, A+R, Promotions and for the last seven years in Radio. Unlike you, I don't look at the industry from the outside in. I noticed you aren't even on a Label. Take a hint and quit while you are ahead douche bag.

If your band was WORTH LISTENING too, I would have heard of it. Actually, I think its safe to assume that the other two members of your band probably have all of the talent and just carry your sorry ass. You think I should jump OF a building? I think you should try self-immolation.

Incidentally, "sincerely" has two e's in it and you want me to jump OFF a building not OF a building. Perhaps while your bandmates tour you should consider trying "hooked on phonics"

Love and Kisses,
Someone more important than you

PLEASE e-mail them and tell them how bad they suck OH and feel free to quote them so they can figure out the source is ME.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Simpsons and The 1st Ammendment

A recent news story broke. The stats were staggering. 25% of US can name more than ONE freedom in the First Ammendment, yet moe than 50% of us can name at least 2 Simpsons!

Ok, so here is my Solution! Use the SIMPSONS as a Mnemonic device. 5 Simpsons and 5 Freedoms!

1) Homer - He's the head of the house (or so he thinks) and the big daddy of our Freedoms is FREEDOM OF SPEECH

2) Marge - She loves the family unconditionally? Who else loves you like a mother? JESUS! If you believe in Jesus, but hey, thats your choice because you've got FREEDOM OF RELIGION

3) Lisa - She's so smart, she wants the family to be well informed - so does the press (supposedly) Thats why we have FREEDOM OF THE PRESS

4) Bart - He's a bad ass and sometimes hangs out with people that Marge would rather he not associate with. Tough Luck Marge - Bart has FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY. But if they get into some trouble and aren't peaceful, here will be consequences.

5) Maggie - She's been a baby for years...that family has stifled her development. If she ever gets wise, after uears of therapy, she may want to make her family aware of her Grievences and have them made right...sort of like you can PETITION THE GOVERNMENT TO REDRESS GRIEVANCES.

Hope that helps!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

How Could Google Overlook This!

Today is my Hero's birthday. I thought Google woulda made a cute logo for him because I am not the only one to love his work. They make a silly google doodle for everything and everyone, but not my hero. In fact I believe most of you love him too. And if you don't its because you are a lousy RED. Thats right. If you don't like Dr. Suess it can only be 1 of 2 reasons.

You're a Commie or you are German (and therefore don't like anything)


Theodore Geisel (Dr. Suess)

March 2, 1904 - September 24, 1991 (Day after I turned 16)

Oh yeah and not to rub it in but...he was Jewish too ;)