Friday, March 03, 2006

The Simpsons and The 1st Ammendment

A recent news story broke. The stats were staggering. 25% of US can name more than ONE freedom in the First Ammendment, yet moe than 50% of us can name at least 2 Simpsons!

Ok, so here is my Solution! Use the SIMPSONS as a Mnemonic device. 5 Simpsons and 5 Freedoms!

1) Homer - He's the head of the house (or so he thinks) and the big daddy of our Freedoms is FREEDOM OF SPEECH

2) Marge - She loves the family unconditionally? Who else loves you like a mother? JESUS! If you believe in Jesus, but hey, thats your choice because you've got FREEDOM OF RELIGION

3) Lisa - She's so smart, she wants the family to be well informed - so does the press (supposedly) Thats why we have FREEDOM OF THE PRESS

4) Bart - He's a bad ass and sometimes hangs out with people that Marge would rather he not associate with. Tough Luck Marge - Bart has FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY. But if they get into some trouble and aren't peaceful, here will be consequences.

5) Maggie - She's been a baby for years...that family has stifled her development. If she ever gets wise, after uears of therapy, she may want to make her family aware of her Grievences and have them made right...sort of like you can PETITION THE GOVERNMENT TO REDRESS GRIEVANCES.

Hope that helps!


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