Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My Hope For The Future

Please God, Please...make "Religion" the new "Smoking."

What do I mean? Well, it seems like smoking has finally been put in the right light. It used to be cool, everyone thought it was socially acceptable...if you smoked in public no one was offended...if you were offered a cigarette you would gladly take them...if you smoked, you felt accepted by others in group settings.

Then it seemed that smoking was bad for you, and the big tobacco companies covered up that smoking was bad for you! Society though "Oh my god, kids start smoking so young these days because smoking is forced upon them." Peer pressure, the addictive nature of nicotine, the immoral use of advertising to create a demand for cigarettes, and the contents of them, damage your health and well-being, but you are hooked and can't quit it. Parents who smoked have kids who smoke...

People knew that if they didn't quit they would die...some were cavalier and didn't care about the results...they just wanted to smoke.

THEN it got to the point where non-smokers got fed up and realized there were a lot of them. When their voices were heard things changed. Now you can't smoke in planes, can't smoke in bars, some towns you can't smoke in public, and even recently a condo association banned it so people couldn't even smoke in their homes.

Religion (not God) is just as bad and has so much in common with cigarettes. I hope soon, the world realizes how bad the influence or organized religion is, and what its influence does to undermine the health and well-being and the saftey of the world. I really hope it gets to the point where you can worship at home, worship at church, but not on a plane or in school or in a bar or in public...keep your faith out of my face. Second hand God? No thanks, I can go straight to the source without you.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Messing with Mainers...

A woman I know in Maine...(27 year old single mother of 2 boys) recently wrote me something I found a bit disturbing. SO I decided to have a little fun with her :)

She Wrote:
It will be nice to see something done with those old mills...

It's 3 am and I can't sleep...so I'm emailing you :)

Well I'm off to the Dick's website...I need to find a hunting stand. Learning how to shoot a rifle is so fun...Now I just need to get my butt in the tree so I can actually shoot a deer (and maybe get one before seasons over!)

Hope all is well with you.


Hell of a thing killing a deer. You take away all he's got. All he's ever gonna have.

Shooting targets or clay pigeons I can see, but I could never shoot an animal unless it was vicious or rabid and attacking someone I knew.


Date: Nov 16 2006 10:11 AM

At least it's lived a decent free life.

It's better than it getting hit by a car, or being out in zero degree weather and dying that way as a lot of deer do in our maine winters. It's had a better life than the meats we eat from the storeor even better a food chain like KFC...give it that :)


I look at it in a totally different way. That deer that you shoot has a chance to have a family, raise bucks and does, see them have bucks and does...send those bucks and does to a good school and see them succeed in life. And after living free and enjoying his life, you cut him down. You hurt his family. Now who is going to provide berries and leaves for that buck's family?

Meanwhile the chicken that is raised for slaughter is looking at that death as merciful. That bird lives with a bunch of other birds in ridiculously close quarters...and it's life has always sucked. That bird yearns to be free or to be dead. It dreams of other birds living free and hopes that it's sacrifice appeases the gods and permits many other birds to live in the wild.

Plus DEER = Cute + Gamey Chickens = Ugly, stupid and tasty.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

That's just unnatural

Here is a product that makes WONDER Bread look pretty wholesome and natural.

When first introduced to this product by a co-worker who received it from a listener, I thought he was joking. "Hey Chuck, bet you have never seen this before..." and he handed me BREAD IN A CAN. WTF? Then a bunch of my co-workers, all from Mass, NH, and Maine started sharing childhood stories of campfires, baked beans, hot dogs and "brown bread" from a CAN!

If you look at the pic, you can actually see the rings of the can are impressed in the loaf of bread.

Yummmy, best before Dec 09!