Thursday, November 16, 2006

Messing with Mainers...

A woman I know in Maine...(27 year old single mother of 2 boys) recently wrote me something I found a bit disturbing. SO I decided to have a little fun with her :)

She Wrote:
It will be nice to see something done with those old mills...

It's 3 am and I can't I'm emailing you :)

Well I'm off to the Dick's website...I need to find a hunting stand. Learning how to shoot a rifle is so fun...Now I just need to get my butt in the tree so I can actually shoot a deer (and maybe get one before seasons over!)

Hope all is well with you.


Hell of a thing killing a deer. You take away all he's got. All he's ever gonna have.

Shooting targets or clay pigeons I can see, but I could never shoot an animal unless it was vicious or rabid and attacking someone I knew.


Date: Nov 16 2006 10:11 AM

At least it's lived a decent free life.

It's better than it getting hit by a car, or being out in zero degree weather and dying that way as a lot of deer do in our maine winters. It's had a better life than the meats we eat from the storeor even better a food chain like KFC...give it that :)


I look at it in a totally different way. That deer that you shoot has a chance to have a family, raise bucks and does, see them have bucks and does...send those bucks and does to a good school and see them succeed in life. And after living free and enjoying his life, you cut him down. You hurt his family. Now who is going to provide berries and leaves for that buck's family?

Meanwhile the chicken that is raised for slaughter is looking at that death as merciful. That bird lives with a bunch of other birds in ridiculously close quarters...and it's life has always sucked. That bird yearns to be free or to be dead. It dreams of other birds living free and hopes that it's sacrifice appeases the gods and permits many other birds to live in the wild.

Plus DEER = Cute + Gamey Chickens = Ugly, stupid and tasty.


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