Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

I've seen this viral more again lately....


So to rid the world of this myth that I don't see movies...
I saw another movie today; so here is my last 5:

  • Simpsons: The Movie (July 2007)
    If you like the Simpsons AND Movies, you'll probably like it

  • Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy (April 2005)
    Odd, Rambling, British... Fairly good screen translation

  • Fahrenheit 9/11 (June 2004)
    If 1/10th of it is true, you should be outraged

  • Tears of the Sun (March 2003)
    Thought it was a generic war movie chock full of one liners, turns out to be about genocide, chock full of one liners.

  • Spiderman (May 2002)
    Didn't 'wow' me as much as it appears to have done to others.

That's right, I am a movie fiend!

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Deadly Secret About The Wildlife Of Southern Maine

Decided to take some of the footage I recorded over the past year and make a National Geographic Special Out of It.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Where has Chuck Been?

Wow! It has been quite a while since I posted a blog! Where have I been? Where haven't I been. I went back home to NJ for a week at the end of June and beginning of January, I went to Salem, MA for a road trip in the middle of June. This past weekend I went to The Mount Washington Valley in New Hampshire, and in a way I have been blogging...but I've been doing it with video on my youtube page. So, let me share some of my adventures!

Here is a direct link to my page.

Here are some videos from my trip with Jenny to New Hampshire.

and there are lots more videos where those came from! And lots more cute wildlife pictures and vids too!