Chuck's Pics

These are two of my best friends, Stan and Andria.
This is Downy my Holland Lop. She goes by the aliases "Destructo-bunny" and "4 pounds of terror." Look at her devour almanacs.
This is me in my old studio with my Strat.
This adorable 2 year old is Olivia...wearing my size 12's.
I took this pic 10/03 in Boston. I just thought it captured the city. The girl feeding the pigeons in the placid common, juxtaposed with the bustle on the city's streets. The Old Church sandwhiched between two modern high rise.
This is the Squirrel that stalks Downy. He lives in the tree across from my balcony and sits and watches. I sware he waits till I leave the house and she lets him in the house.
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