Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I got a promotional mailing today from Microsoft. It’s for an executive mini-camp showing you some of their new cool technologies. They’re going to hold it at Giant’s Stadium and give you an inside tour of the stadium when it’s done.

So you’re thinking, ok, where is he going with this? Could it be a rant about Linux, or about the Giants, or junk mail? None of the above – it’s about people who seem to forget about New Jersey.

The entire promotion mentions New York. It proudly presents “Giant’s Stadium – New York”.

People need to put New Jersey back on the map. I’ve been all around the country, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. We've got everything you would want. Sports, history, the beach, mountains, full-serve gas.... you name it.

Besides, we have the best thing at all. Peggy is here.


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