Thursday, September 09, 2004


So, there's this anti-drug commercial.... Don't get me wrong, I've never done drugs, and I don't think you should either, but there are just some really bad ads against it.

In this one the kid describes how you might think he's a druggie, but he's not. The last time he scored “it was on a Rugby Scoreboard”. He's his own anti-drug.

Rugby. Really.

Why wouldn’t they make it something you might possibly be able to relate to?

I’m told there are people who play Rugby, and there is a “Rugby 2004” video game (featuring apparently everyone who plays, over 2,000 characters in the game), but since I bet you didn’t know it existed either, I hope you can agree with me about how popular it is.

Anyway, that’s why this is such a bad commercial, it relates to about 2,000 people worldwide, who already appear in a video game. X-Box can be their anti-drug.


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