Wednesday, October 27, 2004


While packing my belongings the Rabbit has been getting into all sorts of places she shouldn't go. Lucky for me, my friend Chris' daughter Colleen has a school project on Rabbits and asked me to video tape her doing cute stuff. I put up obstacles to prevent the Rabbit from going behind furniture and stuff...

Take a peek at this video.


Monday, October 25, 2004

Moving To Maine

Unemployed no longer! I am off to Portland, Maine! Portland, Maine??? WTF is wrong with me? Its so quiet and peaceful up there, I'll need to put cop shows on TV and leave them on so the noise will comfort me while I sleep. I'll be working for 11 radio stations up there including FRANK the #1 station in the Market! Oye! At least my commute isn't so bad as you can see....and I am close to the airport too...and shopping. Send housewarming gifts....err just warm gifts, its damn cold up there.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Too Much!

Ok, so I love Directv as much as the next guy. It's not that I'm addicted to tv, it's that the local cable tv company sucks. But, they did something recently that's I'd share with those of you who don't have Directv. There are now more than 999 possible station numbers for me (it stops at 8010 though).

Now, you might wonder what you could do with 8010 channels (besides the 47 news channels that are ALL telling me about court trials and Court TV showing me COPS). Well, for now, they're not all full. But what I do get is channel 611.

Growing up in the 80’s taught me two things. First, that you build time machines out of DeLoreans, and second if there is a commercial, you should do whatever it says.

So of course, when a Jeep commercial came on, I followed the directions and flipped to channel 611. 24 hours a day, you can learn how great the Jeep Grand Cherokee is.

God bless tv.

Monday, October 18, 2004


What happens when you park a huge truck in soft mud? David knows the answer and has some great photos and video too.

Thanks David for the link

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Strange Milk Carton

Naturally Delicious MILK from "REAL COWS" (sorry Andrew) WTF? No...its Naturally Delicious Milk from some guy named Fred. Why would you even open the origin of this milk to question by saying its from REAL COWS and why did I buy it anyway?

Friday, October 15, 2004

"Easily Annoyed"

I'm one of those guys who is bugged by the little things. One thing that really bugs me is the extra use of quotes. I'm not sure why people do it, or why it bugs me so much, but here's an example of a sentence that drove me crazy today from a job applicant:

"I have a unique blend of customer experience and excellent technical skills which are complimented by extensive “customer focused” training courses.."

I have no idea what he's alluding to by saying "customer focused" there.

I'm tempted to interview the guy just so I can ask him, but I don't think it would be very "productive." Whatever that means.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Have you heard of Mondegreens? If you don't know the story or the word you certainly know what it is. Comedians have made reference to them for years and sometimes you get caught singing them. A Mondegreen is an often misunderstood lyric. Like for instance Creedence's "There's a Bad Moon on the Rise" is heard as "There's a bathroom on the right." Jimi Hendrix's "Excuse my while I kiss the sky" being heard as "while I kiss this guy." Yeah, you get the idea.

I was just listening to Mix 102.7, I have an interview there so best to familiarize myself with the format and I hear Lisa Lisa and Cult Jams "Can You Feel The Beat"

featuring this line...

I can feel my heart beat right through my blouse


I can feel my heart beat right through my bowels

which was rather disturbing.

Hope that made you smile at least.


Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport

WTF? When I went to Florida last year I took this picture. It made me crack up. Some buildings don't have a 13th Floor out of why would an airport have terminal C4!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

David's TV Woes

When David moved to NJ from Florida in June of last year, he had no TV. My grandmother just passed away, and the TV she had in the nursing home was given to me. I had an extra. So I gave it to David. Originally David didn't want it, believing that the TV he was getting was from "the dead woman."

When the TV I gave him blew up...hilarity ensued.

David: boo
Chuck: heya!
David: I think you moved down on my list of people that could possibly be my best man someday
Chuck: why?
David: I think the tv a-sploded and just about took me out
Chuck: really?
David: there was a loud poof, burning smell and all the circuit breakers in the bedroom popped
Chuck: so, your apt's faulty wiring blew up my old piece of crap TV
David: sure sure :)
Chuck: you blew up the TV I gave you from the dead woman
David: no, your tv blew up, you still have the tv from the dead woman
Chuck: no, I just told you that...the dead womans TV was haunted
Chuck: it used to smell funny, make buzzing noises and blow my circuit breaker
David: what did? the dead woman?
Chuck: yeah...if I didnt watch wheel of fortune when it was on, the TV would freak
David: I don't think my cable company carries wheel of fortune

Thats probably why it blew up!

Sunday, October 10, 2004


So Stan has Game nights at his house a couple of Saturdays a month. Mostly we get a few people together, eat junk food and play card games or board games, but last night we went retro and whipped out the Play Station. PS1. Stan hooked up 3 controllers and Stan, Andrew and I proceeded to play Crash Team Racing for about 3 hours. I haven't played that game in at least 3 or 4 years. In fact, my left hand is cramping a bit today. LOL. Squeezed the contrller a bit too hard.

Here is a profile:

Player: Stan

Avatar: Crash Bandicoot

Weapon of Choice: Heat Seeker

Strength: Stan knows how to handle his go-kart, thats for sure. Probably because of all the practice he has had driving his Celica like that. He knows how to evade you pretty well, unless he hits a wall.

Weakness: Stan has no sense of direction and sometimes uses the same driving pattern on a track, which I was dumb enough to tell him about and he then changed.

Player: Andrew

Avatar: Polar Bear (No idea what its really called)
Original Avatar: Coco (Then he realized the character was "a chick")

Weapon of Choice: "The Bowling Ball" (Really a throwable/rollable bomb)

Strength: Good at the ice board, except when on the ice...doesn't give up. Pretty accurate with the Bowling Ball.

Weaknesses: Steering. Hates the "ugga-booga" weapon because he has difficulty with kamikaze tactics.

Player: Chuck

Avatar: Pura

Weapon of Choice: "Bowling Ball"

Strength: Good with most weapons, dead on with the bowling ball, good at finding the other players and knowing when they are attacking him.

Weaknesses: Cheats by looking at other players portions of the screen when they are invisible or to see if they are behind him. But hey, if we weren't meant to see that shit, we'd all have seperate monitors, right?