Thursday, October 14, 2004


Have you heard of Mondegreens? If you don't know the story or the word you certainly know what it is. Comedians have made reference to them for years and sometimes you get caught singing them. A Mondegreen is an often misunderstood lyric. Like for instance Creedence's "There's a Bad Moon on the Rise" is heard as "There's a bathroom on the right." Jimi Hendrix's "Excuse my while I kiss the sky" being heard as "while I kiss this guy." Yeah, you get the idea.

I was just listening to Mix 102.7, I have an interview there so best to familiarize myself with the format and I hear Lisa Lisa and Cult Jams "Can You Feel The Beat"

featuring this line...

I can feel my heart beat right through my blouse


I can feel my heart beat right through my bowels

which was rather disturbing.

Hope that made you smile at least.



Blogger Andrew said...

For me, the song is track 7 on my "Jock Jams" CD -- it's "Come Baby Come" by K7.

If you listen, it starts up like "da ding da ding da ding" etc... about 24 seconds in (and constantly throughout the song), the female voice says "Bobby Dudash" (who was in my wedding party with Chuck).

So far, I've told Peg and Joann, and they'll never hear the song the same again.

11:02 PM  

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