Tuesday, November 23, 2004

How's The Weather?

Ok, so why I torture myself like this I'll never know...

I log on to check my mail and haven't told AOL I moved. It always gives me the weather for Neptune, NJ...I just changed it now so it gives me Portland.

Its 46 in Neptune right now, and 30 here! 16 degrees difference right now, that's SICK! Oh and the Sun sets at 4:09 here and at 4:32 in NYC. Incidentally Boston is 9 degrees warmer at 39 right now.

The high here today is expected to be 46 in Neptune its going to be 55.

I can't wait to get my new LL Bean flannel lined jeans...but if I start to dress like the guy on the Brawny paper towel package...shoot me.


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