Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Morgan Freeman

Wow, Miss Daisy is lucky she wasn't hurt...

Anyway, reading online about Morgan Freeman's mishap and found this statement...

"When Freeman, lying prone on a backboard, noticed onlookers taking pictures with cell phones, McFerrin said he heard the actor joke, "No freebies, no freebies."

First of all...how fucked up are these people. Wow look a celebrity being pulled out of a car with the jaws of life let me take a picture. This really reminds me of the Terry Schiavo fiasco. If Freeman was more seriously hurt these onlookers would have been posting their pictures and cameraphone videos on youtube and flickr and tried to capitalize on Mr. Freeman's misfortune.

Freeman seemed to have a good attitude, joking with them about no freebies. If I were him, I would have said... Give me your contact info, when I get better I'll meet with you and you can take a picture of me WELL, please respect my privacy at this time. OR... I'd just tell them they are in violation of HIPPA. :)


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