Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Common Merganser

Its not even spring and the birding in Maine has been great. Every morning as I get ready for work, I can look out my window and watch all sorts of bird life. I have seen Red Tailed Hawks, American Kestrels, Sea Gulls, Coromorants, Pigeons and Ducks...and lately, Common Mergansers. Theye have been showing up at sunrise for the past few weeks and I even caught them on Video last week. Took me a while to positively ID them, but now that I have, I wanted to share the video.

Also, last Sunday while walking across the Casco Bay Bridge I saw a PEREGRINE FALCON! I captured its call and low res vid of it on my camera phone.

(UPDATE) This morning swimming with the Mergansers were Common Goldeneyes. Then as I was on my way to work, circling the Long Creek/Casco Bay was a Bald Eagle. The birds are coming back.
